domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

The rewarding moment when you buy nankeen again, after ten years, and find out how reading Freakonomics and The Paradox of Choice as a teenager makes more sense now than it did in the past.

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

Emma and Dexter.

There is still time for those who remain alive.
So much to be said and lived.

Today, and just for today, I hope so.

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

Clementine Kruczynski said to her doll: 

"Clementine, you can't be ugly."

Shannon McFarland said to herself: 

"The shot, it was like getting hit hard is what I remember. The bullet. It took a minute before I could focus my eyes, but there was my blood and snot, my drool and teeth all over the passenger seat. I had to open the car door and get the gun from where I'd dropped it outside the window. Being in shock helped. The gun and the glove's in a storm drain in the hospital parking lot where I dropped them, in case you want proof.

Then the intravenous morphine, the tiny operating room manicure scissors cut my dress off, the little patch panties, the police photos. Birds ate my face. Nobody ever suspected the truth.

The truth is I panicked a little after that. I let everybody think the wrong things. The future is not a good place to start lying and cheating all over again. None of this is anybody's fault except mine. I ran because just getting my jaw rebuilt was too much temptation to revert, to play that game, the looking good game. Now my whole new future is still out there waiting for me.

The truth is, being ugly isn't the thrill you'd think, but it can be an opportunity for something better than I ever imagined.

The truth is I'm sorry." (PALAHNIUK, Chuck. Invisible Monsters. p. 287-8)

domingo, 2 de setembro de 2012

It all started with lightness.
Then concentration.
Then taking a deep breathe.
Then again.
Listening calmly.
Then thinking.
Then getting emotional.
Then being received and introduced kindly.
Getting emotional once more and again.
Getting emotional.
More forgiveness.
Then understanding.
Then being grateful.
Still being stubborn and a bit depressed.

Ending up with lightness.